Paying it forward

Whether you are a new or seasoned amputee, you always have something both to learn, and to give back to others. Sometimes it's words of wisdom and sometimes it's kindness. Other times it's just a smile.

I volunteer at Camp No Limits with my daughter, we've been going for 10 years. This is a camp for kids with limb loss/difference and their families. There are a dozen camps across the country. It's 3-5 days of about 150 amazing humans at their best! There are PT/OT sessions made into games, a sibling club, support groups for all ages and LOTS of dancing, talent shows, s'mores, zip lines, rock walls and sometimes even water sports!  One of the great things about CNL, is that the whole family can go and get support!

Camp No Limits

Our program offers a supportive and inclusive environment for children with limb loss or limb difference, and their families. Through specialized activities, mentorship, and adaptive recreation, we help campers develop confidence, independence, and lifelong friendships.

Adventure Amputee Camp

We encourage children with amputations or limb differences to stretch their potential and imagination, and explore all that is possible.

Never Say Never Foundation

Our mission is to sponsor disabled athletes in a multitude of sports, including extreme sports and to seek funding to allow youth and young adults with disabilities to attend camps, sporting events and to get the prosthetics or other tools they need to thrive.

There are several camps, day trips, activities out there that you can look in to, but the point of my post is this - YOU still have something to give back. We can teach this next generation of young people with limb differences that they will be amazing adults, give them someone to look up to that looks just like them. 

I worried a little when I became an amputee, and again went to my first camp. Did I have enough to give someone else? The answer is yes! Even answering a question for a parent, or playing soccer with a young child that sees it's possible, or doing art with someone. Just being there. Either way I urge you to give it at least a chance. In whatever capacity you choose. It's good for the soul, I promise you! With love and gratitude.

- Jenn


Traveling with Limb Loss


Reclaiming your athletic self